“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s clouds"
- Maya Angelou
Resources and supportive agencies for a number of populations and issues including: families, grief/ loss, pregnancy, suicide, veterans, & women.(see below).
Brief Encounters
"Support for bereaved parents of pregnancy & infant loss"
Ph: 503-699-8006
Web: https://www.briefencounters.org/​
The Finley Project
Provides free wraparound service support for women who have recently experienced a loss of an infant occurring between 20 weeks gestation up to two years of age. "7 part holistic program that includes funeral planning, meal gift cards, house cleaning, massage therapy, licensed mental health counseling, support group placement, and volunteer support."
Web: https://www.thefinleyproject.org/
Return To Zero HOPE
"Provides compassionate and holistic support for people who have experienced unimaginable loss during their journey to parenthood."
Web: https://rtzhope.org/
The Dougy Center
Support, and resources for "grieving children & families"
Ph: 503-775-5683
Web: https://www.dougy.org/
The Q Center
Support, resources for LGBTQ community and their families.
Ph: (503) 234-7837
Web: http://www.pdxqcenter.org/
SMYRC (Sexual & Gender Minority Resource Center)
"Culturally specific support for LGBTQ youth" that includes, resources, support, counseling, housing, education, job training and employment.
Web: http://www.smyrc.org/
Baby Blues Connection
Support, resources, and peer to peer assistance for "women and families coping with pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders".
Ph: 1-800-557-8375
Web: http://babybluesconnection.org/
Maternal Mental Health NOW
Postpartum and perinatal support, information and resources.
Web: https://www.maternalmentalhealthnow.org/parents-families/
Mother & Child Education Center
Support and resources including, pregnancy testing, classes & education, counseling and supplies (for pregnancy & youth).
Ph: (503) 249-5801
Web: http://www.momchildpdx.org/
Perinatal Support Washington
Information, support (phone & online), resources and referral information in areas of pregnancy, postpartum & mental health for Washington residents.
Warm Line Ph: 1-888-404-7763
Web: https://perinatalsupport.org/warm-line/
Postpartum Support International
Information, support (phone & online), resources and referral information for women and men in areas of pregnancy, postpartum & mental health.
Ph: 1-800-944-4773
Web: https://www.postpartum.net/
National Suicide Prevention Hotline-
Provides,"24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones".
Ph: 1800-273-8255
Web: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Teen Line
Peer to peer connection for support thru talk, text, email, or web services.
Ph: 1800-852-8336
Web: https://teenlineonline.org/
Military Helpline
Assists veterans and active service men & women with "anonymous, confidential crisis intervention and sensitivity to military-specific issues.
Ph: 1-888-457-4838 (888-HLP-4-VET)
Dress for Success
Provides "network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life."
Ph: 503.249.7300
Web: https://oregon.dressforsuccess.org/
Youth, Teens & Young Adults
Brown Girl Rise
Support group for female youth grades 3-8. Provides a"radical sisterhood of girls of color reclaiming their connection to body, community, land, health, and creativity to cultivate a just future where we rise together."
Web: https://linktr.ee/browngirlrise
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrownGirlRise/
Girls Inc.
Non-profit programming with after school experiences offering psychoeducational groups and organized activities that help promote learning while empowering female youth ages 6-18 years.
Web: https://www.girlsincpnw.org/